LBCC > Learn the Double Haul – July 11 & 18, 2023 from 7pm-9pm

LBCC > Learn the Double Haul – July 11 & 18, 2023 from 7pm-9pm


Learn the Double Haul – July 11 & 18, 2023 from 7pm-9pm

This July the Long Beach Casting Club will be offering a class on learning how to perform the Double Haul. We will be doing this class over two consecutive Tuesday nights starting on July 11th and ending on July 18th from 7pm-9pm. While this class is open to all members there are things that need to be understood.

Initial Student Considerations—here are some things you need to resolve with your equipment and, more importantly, an honest and truthful understanding and assessment of your current casting abilities. Nope, don’t gloss over that last part. Here’s why:

1    We are asking that all students must be able to comfortably false cast 40’–45’ with accuracy and control. The painted grid in the bottom of the pond is 10’ x 10’ and starting at 20’ (the third stripe is 40’). Or, think about how well you can cast at the five staggered targets in the casting pond (20’ to 50’). If you can’t false cast (no, not the Pick-Up and Lay Down; you must false cast multiple times to each target including extending line) to at least the fourth one, then work on your casting first and take the Double Haul Class at a later date after your casting has improved. Very sorry but you need to be able to cast comfortably so you can concentrate on learning something new. Besides, learning the Double Haul with that level of casting will not improve your distance at all and more likely decrease it.

2    Make sure your fly line is clean and very, very, very lightly dressed with a line dressing (wipe it on, let it sit for an hour or so and try to wipe it off!). Do not use dish detergent like Dawn to clean the line as it is too harsh and could strip away some of the line’s coatings. Use a terry cloth hand towel and body wash or shampoo—even unscented baby wipes work. As for line dressings there are several available (SA, Glide, Loon, etc.) that can be used—even ArmorAll will work.

3    If you use a 5 weight rod and happen to have a 6 or 7 weight rod, bring the line (should be clean and dressed) for the heavier rod and install it onto your 5 weight. Believe me, it can really help.

My apologies for being blunt in this regard but the reality is that, if you cannot cast to the level requested, then you will not be able to effectively learn the double haul. The Double Haul is NOT a beginning ability and more likely beyond the Intermediate level. Even if you manage to get the body movements correct your casting will be insufficient to give you the benefit of any potential extra distance you could achieve. In fact, it usually gets worse!

This is why all of us casters are constantly encouraging each of you to come down to the Club and practice. This is particularly helpful if you do this when other better casters are around (morning during the week as well as Saturday and Sunday mornings) who can point out problems and fixes.

If you are at the level of casting suggested, we encourage you to show up and learn the Double Haul. If you have any questions you can contact me, John Van Derhoof at: Look forward to seeing you there!

John Van Derhoof & Bob Middo


CWR fly fisher

Born to fly fish and hike.