CARPFEST! SSFF-CLUB on Saturday, May 20th. A COMPETITION of fun!

CARPFEST! SSFF-CLUB on Saturday, May 20th. A COMPETITION of fun!

SATURDAY – MAY 20, 2023

Over the past several years, pursuing carp on the fly has become an increasingly popular activity, and here in California is no exception.

Places like Lake Henshaw, Lake Isabella, the California Aqueduct and even the Los Angeles River have large carp populations and a number of anglers that pursue them with an addictive passion.

In the hopes of continuing to see the carp on the fly community expand, we are hosting our fourth annual CARPFEST on May 20th, 2023.

This year we are happy to announce that Carpfest will be a stop in the newly formed Carp Comp Circuit. Stops are at Carpfest,  Lake Henshaw and AZ Fly Shop Carp Rally. Info at

The Jon Hart Carpfest will pit teams of 2 carp fly anglers against Lake Isabella’s carp in a tournament whose profits will benefit”Celine’s Fly Gal Weekend


CWR fly fisher

Born to fly fish and hike.